Sister Dragon Warrior Monsters Ending Continue

Way back in the days of the NES, Nintendo delivered the Enix-developed Dragon Warrior series to gaming audiences. The series continued in Japan on the NES and Super NES, and when Pokemon was released in Japan, it wasn't long before the series went in that direction with Dragon Quest Monsters on the Game Boy. Eidos rightfully saw the potential of the game and scarfed up the English language rights to the game, bringing it to the US as Dragon Warrior Monsters -- and it's definitely one of the Game Boy Color's top RPG titles available.


  • More than 215 monster species
  • 46,010 different breeding results
  • Full RPG adventure
  • Randomly generating dungeons
  • Link Cable support for two players
  • For Game Boy or Game Boy Color

Dragon Warrior Monsters is a traditional Japanese RPG, but its foundation is to do what Pokemon did, but better: offer a variety of battling creatures, and lots of them. The game puts you in the role of a Monster master, where you must train and battle the world's monsters against each other. The more you fight them, the higher their skills and more abilities they earn.

The story goes something a little like this: While Terry and his sister sleep soundly (well, it's really Sis that's asleep), a monster comes and steals the little girl away. You begin pursuit and wind up in a tree kingdom. Instead of helping you find your sister, the king enlists you as the kingdom's Monster Master, the person who will win the monster tournament. Only then will you be able to find your sister. The king doesn't send you off on your own -- nope, he gives you an old Monster to help you find and battle other creatures in the wild.

So it's off into the wild. The adventure is segmented in parts that are accessible through the Travelers' Gates, and each of the gates are opened after completing certain tasks. What's more, the terrain in each section is completely randomized, so you'll never find items or layouts twice in the same way. This adds a lot to the overall playability, since it eliminates a lot of the repetitive back/forth never really know what's ahead or where everything is.

Like Pokemon, you don't battle -- it's the creatures that battle for you. As you progress into the adventure and battle creatures, the defeated monsters will randomly ask if they can join your team. You can try and persuade these guys to join by offering meats, but it's a little annoying that some really cool-looking monsters are lost simply because of a random element. In this case, Pokemon has the edge since at any time you can snag monsters as long as you hold a Pokeball and have whittled them down in strength.

Even with the parallels to Pokemon, Dragon Warrior Monsters has a few unique elements that makes it its own game. Most prominently is the breeding function. Each of the game's 215 original species has a gender -- either male or female. As you progress further into the game, you'll gain access to the breeding center where you can mate a male and a female from ANY species. So, for example, if you wanted to mix your dragon monster with a slime monster, you can combine the two's abilities at the breeding center to earn an egg. You'll carry around the egg until it's ready to hatch (or you're ready to hatch it), earning you a strong dragon with slime abilities. There are more than 46,000 different combinations to end up with, and believe me when I say you'll never find them all -- there's kids in Japan still trying every possible combination, and the game came out more than a year and a half ago. The main downside to breeding is once you've mated two monsters, they disappear into the wild, never to be seen again. Choose wisely.

Battles are also unique in the sense that every creature in your party is involved. In Dragon Warrior Monsters, you assign commands to each of the three creatures that follow you around. You can change their strategy at any time, whether it's to fight, defend, or utilize a special capability -- and that command is remembered every time you tell your Monsters to attack. Like Pokemon, once a monster loses all its hitpoints, it's useless until you can get it healed back at the castle (a casket follows you around in the meantime -- talk about morbid).

The link cable is also a major tool for Dragon Warrior Monster players -- if you link up two systems and mate one of your creatures with one of his, you'll wind up with for each player (share and share alike, right?). You can also battle your buddies and take away his creature for your use. You set the prize and you try and win it from the other person. Link cable support nowadays is a must, and it's great to see that the big games are encouraging its use.

The look of the game is very "Japanese RPG-like," deformed characters with an overhead perspective. Instead of hiding in your inventory, acquired monsters follow you around -- every species has its own little sprite that tags along behind you. Even though the game is made for both the Game Boy and Game Boy Color, Dragon Warrior Monsters utilizes a slick, vibrant color palette that, during the adventure, look better than Pokemon Gold and Silver. The battles, on the other hand, are a bit sterile and lack any detail or flair. Still, you can tell what's going on and see everything perfectly.

The one big complaint is that Dragon Warrior Monsters doesn't really have the unique feel that Pokemon has -- it doesn't seem like much time was taken in establishing the whole game world. Other than the hundreds of creatures, the land has a generic feel -- here's the kingdom, there's the king, go to the arena. In comparison, more care was put into Pokemon with its Pokeballs, Gyms, and re-occuring non-player characters establishing the game's original universe. There are also minor problems with naming -- you're only allowed four letters to name your character as well as any of the creatures. With four letters, there's just not many combinations for labeling. And I do have to say -- I'm more a fan of having the ability to capture monsters than hoping one will join the quest.


As far as RPG titles go on the Game Boy, Dragon Warrior Monsters definitely tops the list, just missing Pokemon by a whisker. The randomization of levels as well as the Monster Breeding option is more than enough to justify picking this title up. It's an excellent adventure with only a few spelling mistakes (bad Eidos for mixing "it's" for "its"), but the world doesn't seem as well established as the whole Pokeuniverse. Still, second best ain't bad.

In This Article

Dragon Quest Monsters

Dragon Warrior Monsters Review

Official IGN Review


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